Prioritizing Features in Product Management:Key Accounts for Growth

One of the most daunting tasks for a product manager is deciding which features to prioritize in the product roadmap. While acquiring new customers is crucial for business growth, there's an often overlooked goldmine within existing key accounts. In this article, we'll look into the challenges and strategies surrounding prioritizing features, focusing on the potential of critical accounts and emphasizing how catering to existing clients can lead to sustainable growth and even attract new customers.

Understanding the Potential of Key Accounts

Key accounts are the backbone of many businesses. These clients' needs align closely with your product offering and contribute significantly to your revenue stream. Prioritizing features based on the potential of these key accounts involves understanding their pain points, desires, and long-term goals.

Deep Dive into Key Account Needs

  • Conduct comprehensive customer research to identify pain points and areas for improvement within critical accounts.
  • Analyze usage patterns and feedback to uncover the most valuable features of these clients.
  • Utilize techniques like user interviews, surveys, and analytics to gain insights into their specific requirements.

Prioritize Features with Direct Impact

  • Identify features that directly address the needs and challenges of key accounts.
  • Evaluate each feature's potential impact on key account satisfaction and retention.
  • Consider factors such as ease of implementation, resource requirements, and alignment with the product vision.

Catering to Existing Customers for Sustainable Growth

While acquiring new customers is essential, encouraging existing relationships can yield greater returns. By continuously adding value and addressing the evolving needs of current clients, you not only enhance customer satisfaction but also create advocates who can attract new customers through referrals and testimonials.

Focus on Customer Success

  • Develop a customer success strategy to maximize the value derived from your product for existing clients.
  • Provide personalized support and proactive guidance to help key accounts achieve their goals.
  • Encourage strong relationships with key stakeholders to become a trusted partner in their success.

Iterative Feature Development

  • Adopt an iterative approach to feature development, prioritizing enhancements that deliver immediate value to existing clients.
  • Request feedback from key accounts throughout development to ensure alignment with their evolving needs.
  • Continuously monitor usage metrics and customer satisfaction scores to measure the effectiveness of new features.

Attracting New Customers through Happy Clients

Satisfied customers are your best marketing asset. By prioritizing features that delight existing clients, you retain their business and create a compelling narrative that attracts new customers seeking similar benefits.

Leverage Success Stories

  • Showcase success stories and case studies featuring satisfied key accounts using your product.
  • Highlight the specific features and benefits that contributed to their success to resonate with potential customers.
  • Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences through testimonials and referrals.

Demonstrate Value Proposition

  • Position your product as the solution to common pain points your target market faces.
  • Emphasize the unique features and capabilities that set your product apart from competitors.
  • Leverage insights from key accounts to tailor your messaging and value proposition to resonate with new prospects.


Prioritizing features in product management requires a careful balance between acquiring new customers and maximizing the potential of existing key accounts. By understanding the unique needs of key clients and continuously adding value through iterative feature development, you can drive customer satisfaction and retention and attract new customers through the success stories of your happy clients.

Remember: Sustainable growth begins with prioritizing the relationships that matter most.